
Tener In The Present Tense

The verb tener (conjugation) ways "to accept". It is irregular in the present tense. The ending er changes to go in the (yo) class (outset person singular). Too, due east changes to ie in the tú, Ud., and Uds. forms of the verb.

yo tengo (I take)
tienes (you have)
Ud/él/ella tiene (you lot/he/she has)
nosotros (equally) tenemos (we have)
vosotros (equally) tenéis (you guys take)
Uds/ellos/ellas tienen (you all/they have)

Sentences using tener in the present tense

To limited historic period
¿Cuántos años tienes? - How one-time are you?
Tengo veintisiete años.
I am 27 years old

To point possession

Yo tengo dos perros.
I have ii dogs.
Tengo una casa en California. - I have a house in California.
Tengo cuatro hermanas. - I take 4 sisters.

To indicate obligations [go to lesson]

To limited an obligation, use tener + que + infinitive

Yo tengo que aprender las palabras.
I accept to learn the words.
Tengo que estudiar mucho. - I have to written report a lot.
¡Tienes que prestar atención! - You have to pay attention!

To limited sensations

To express a awareness, use tener + noun.

Tener calor (to be hot)
Tengo calor - I am hot.

Tener frío (to be common cold)
Tienes frío. - You are common cold.

Tener hambre (to be hungry)
Él tiene hambre. - He'south hungry.

Tener sed (to be thirsty)
Tenemos sed. - We're thirsty.

Tener miedo (to be scared)
Ellos tienen miedo. - They're scared.

Tener suerte (to exist lucky)
Tengo mucha suerte. - I am very lucky.

To express a desire to do something

Tener + ganas + de + infinitive

Tengo ganas de dormir. - I feel like sleeping.
¿Tienes ganas de comer? - Do y'all feel like eating?

As an auxiliary verb (instead of haber)

Tengo entendido que no recibiremos la mercadería mañana.
I accept understood that we won't receive the merchandise tomorrow.

¿Tiene recibidas las cotizaciones?
Accept you received the quotations?

Los presupuestos, que tenemos recibidos para nuestra fábrica del Distrito Federal.
The estimates which we have received for our factory in Mexico City.

Present tense sentences with tengo
Present tense sentences with tienes
Nowadays tense sentences with tiene
Present tense sentences with tenemos
Nowadays tense sentences with tienen

Tener In The Present Tense,


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