
Parts Of A Sentence Video

Parts of a Sentence

The master two parts of a sentence are the subject and predicate, with the subject identifying whom or what the sentence is nearly and the predicate giving more information near the subject.

The elements within the predicate adding more than detail or meaning, are verbs, directly objects, indirect objects, and subject complements.

We'll now look at each of these in more detail.

Parts of a Sentence: Subject and Predicate


The subject of a sentence is the person, place, or affair that the judgement is nigh.

If it comes before an action verb (e.g. climb, eat, build, say etc) and then it is the office of the sentence that shows whom or what is doing that activeness. If it comes before a state verb (e.g. is, encounter, smell) it tells us whom or what is in that state of being.

Information technology is usually a noun or pronoun and can likewise include modifying words, phrases or clauses. Here are some examples of subjects in a sentence:

  • The woman...
  • Cars....
  • The boy in the ruby coat... (includes modifying phrase)


While the subject is what the sentence is virtually, the predicate is what is being said about the bailiwick.

Information technology will always include a verb but will unremarkably also include other elements. So these are what it will/may include:

  • Verb
  • Direct Object
  • Indirect Object
  • Subject Complement

In the examples below, the predicate is in bold.

  • The woman is hot.
  • Cars are blocking all the parking spaces.
  • The boy in the carmine coat is trying to notice his toy.

Predicates as parts of a sentence can get a little more complex than this as in that location tin can be predicates within predicates when at that place are other clauses in the judgement (the ones above have just 1 clause) and there are besides chemical compound predicates.

We volition await in more than details at predicates in another lesson.

Straight and Indirect Objects

The predicate always includes and starts with a verb, but it may also be followed past objects.

Straight Object

A direct object is the receiver of the action inside a sentence, and it is usually a noun or pronoun. They are used with activeness verbs and are shown below in bold:

  • He builta cottage
  • The equus caballus jumped the debate
  • He atesome dinner

Indirect Object

Indirect objects can simply be in a sentence if at that place is also a direct object. They indicate to whom or for whom the activeness of the sentence is existence done. Again, the indirect object is unremarkably a substantive or pronoun.

They are shown below in bold (the direct object is at present the last noun).

  • He congenitalhis family a cottage
  • She boughtthem some presents
  • He gavehis girlfriend a kiss

Learn more about the difference betwixt direct and indirect objects.

Subject Complement

Information technology was explained higher up that objects are used with action verbs. However, for country verbs (verbs that draw a state of being due east.chiliad. is, see, hear, feel etc) bailiwick complements follow the verb.

A subject complement renames or describes the subject, and again is often followed by a noun or pronoun, only besides commonly an adjective.

  • John is a really overniceperson
  • She seems happy
  • I wasimpressed past the movie

Parts of a Judgement Summary

The parts of a sentence tin can be divided into two main parts:

  1. Subject area: who or what the sentence is virtually
  2. Predicate: what is being said virtually the subject

The predicate will start with a verb and could have various other elements:

  • verb + indirect object/direct object/subject area complement

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